Solución Estándar ACs - 11 componentes (EPA 8020A) 100ug/ml de cada uno de Benceno [CAS:71-43-2], Clorobenceno [CAS:108-90-7], 1,2-Diclorobenceno [CAS:95-50-1], 1,3-Diclorobenceno [CAS:541-73-1], 1,4-Diclorobenceno [CAS:106-46-7], Etilbenceno [CAS:100-41-4], Tolueno [CAS:108-88-3], o-Xileno [CAS:95-47-6], m-Xileno [CAS:108-38-3], p-Xileno [CAS:106-42-3], Estireno [CAS:100-42-5]

CAS: 100-42-5
Envase Referencia Disponibilidad Mi Precio
x1ml CPAF116301  Consulte la disponibilidad Comprar

Disolvente : Methanol purge-and-trap
Envase : Ampoule
Volumen : 1ml

Method: Aromatic volatile organics by GC. Method 8020 provides chromatographic conditions for the detection of aromatic volatile compounds. Samples can be introduced into the GC using direct injection or purge-and-trap (Method 5030). Ground water samples must be determined using Method 5030. A temperature program is used in the gas chromatograph to separate the organic compounds. Detection is achieved by a photo-ionization detector (PID)
Benzene 100µg/ml [71-43-2]
Chlorobenzene 100µg/ml [108-90-7]
1,2-Dichlorobenzene 100µg/ml [95-50-1]
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 100µg/ml [541-73-1]
1,4-Dichlorobenzene 100µg/ml [106-46-7]
Ethylbenzene 100µg/ml [100-41-4]
Toluene 100µg/ml [108-88-3]
o-Xylene 100µg/ml [95-47-6]
m-Xylene 100µg/ml [108-38-3]
p-Xylene 100µg/ml [106-42-3]
Styrene 100µg/ml [100-42-5]

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