Solución Patrón Interno - 1 componente (EPA 8260B) Óxido Etileno 5000ug/ml en Agua

CAS: 75-21-8
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x1ml CPAF147430  Consulte la disponibilidad Comprar

Solvent : Water
Packaging : Ampoule
Volume : 1 mL
Conc. : 5000 ug/ml

Method: Volatile organic compounds by Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Method 8260 is used to determine volatile organic compounds in a variety of solid waste matrices. This method is applicable to nearly all types of samples, regardless of water content, including various air sampling trapping media, ground and surface water, aqueous sludges, caustic liquors, acid liquors, waste solvents, oily wastes, mousses, tars, fibrous wastes, polymeric emulsions, filter cakes, spent carbons, spent catalysts, soils, and sediments.
Ethylene Oxide 5000ug/ml [75-21-8]

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