The Perimax peristaltic pump is used in all branches of analytical chemistry, especially where accurately defined liquid quantities are required.rrThe Perimax 12 has a pump head with 12 rollers and a simple but well-designed pressure system. It provides from 1 to 6 channels. Individually adjustable channels accommodate a wide variety of tubing materials and sizes allowing work with a liquid flow that is adjustable from 0,0017ml/min to 20ml/min. rEasy to use, switch for off, it can rotate clockwise/anti-clockwise and has a maximum speed option. The speed range is from 1 to 33 rpm for the standard model and up to 80 rpm for the S version model, with an increased speed range. rThe driving motor is equipped with an impulse disk and a photocell that ensures extreme precision and reproducibility in the liquid velocity. The tubes must be of a flexible material and resistant to the liquid being pumped. It has a new acid-resistant plastic cover.rrThe Perimax 16-Antipuls is a pump whose pulsations have been reduced to virtually zero. It is suitable especially for instrumental analysis, and particularly in those cases where pulsations must be eliminated, to increase the accuracy of the measurement. The 16-roller pump head consists of two half-channels of 8 rollers each in which the rollers are arranged with a 180-degree phase displacement. A piece of pump tubing is inserted into each half-channel; downstream from the pump head, a Y-fitting combines the half-channels. Consequently, a peak in one half-channel is cancelled by a trough in the parallel half-channel so that the combined flow produced is nearly pulsation-free. If work is carried out without connecting the tubes, there are two channels with a 'pulse' for each 'antipulse' channel we had before. In one device, channels with and without pulsation can coexist simultaneously. The pump motor Perimax 16 - Antipuls is the same as the pump motor Perimax 12. The Permiax 12 series can become Antipuls pumps just by replacing the pump head. Like Perimax 12, the cover is made of plastic and is acid-resistant.rr