Análisis por fotometría. LOVIBOND®. Fotometría no Lovibond®. VARIO para DEHA. Rango de detección: 20µg/l DEHA. Nº pastillas, tests o ml: 200

Análisis por fotometría. LOVIBOND®. Fotometría no Lovibond®. VARIO para DEHA. Rango de detección: 20µg/l DEHA. Nº pastillas, tests o ml: 200
CAS: 7697-37-2
Packaging Reference Stock My Price
x pack 644-536000 In stock Buy

Quick, sensitive and reliable analysis using the Lovibond photometer range. User instructions for each reagent, detailing the start of the reaction, detection range and the recommended accessories to achieve an optimum detection level. The same reagents give different sensitivity limits in one or other photometer, with cells of varying path lengths.

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