Method: Water quality -Determination of hydrocarbon oil index down to C7. A modified method for oil in water analysis of produced water from offshore petroleum production installations has recently been taken into force.
ISO 9377-2 is not applicable for volatile hydrocarbons, and a modification of the method is proposed by the OSPAR commission in order to include the determination of certain hydrocarbons with boiling points between 98 and 174 oC from produced water. The OSPAR Reference Method of Analysis for the Determination of the Dispersed Oil Content in Produced Water.
n-Decane 100µg/ml [124-18-5]
n-Hexadecane 100µg/ml [544-76-3]
n-Eicosane 100µg/ml [112-95-8]
n-Tetracosane 100µg/ml [646-31-1]
n-Triacontane 100µg/ml [638-68-6]
n-Tetracontane 100µg/ml [4181-95-7]